Our Practice as a Community Pharmacy – Focusing on the Supply of Fatty Emulsion for Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome at Home
〇Erina Hamabe1、Kana Fuchimura1、Shotaro Kumamoto1、Hitomi Shimoyama1、Toshihide Kusumoto1、Mitsuru Muto2
The pharmacy shares patient support information with physicians at the regional flagship hospital, home health care physicians, and staff at the home health care nursing station and works in close medical cooperation with them. In this report, we describe our activities as a community pharmacy for children with short bowel syndrome, focusing on a case of supplying fatty milk products.
The use of fat emulsion for prophylaxis is recommended at level A (strongly recommended). In many cases, these patients are dependent on intravenous nutrition for the majority of their caloric needs in the long term. However, there are still many problems in the home delivery of fat milk products to such patients, including the need to provide pediatric HPN products, medical supplies, and fat milk products that are tailored to the patient’s condition.
After reaching a consensus with physicians at the core hospital, we dispensed the fat emulsion in syringes and vacuum-packages for safety and convenience at HPN. If there is no pharmacy in the patient area that can provide this service, we will expand the target area and provide on-site support to distant areas.
Soybean-derived fat emulsion is suspected to be the main cause of long-term venous nutrition-related liver injury in patients with intestinal tract failure, including those with short bowel syndrome. Although some patients in our own study have imported and used SMOFlipid, we have seen cases in which they have given up nutritional management using SMOFlipid and Intralipos because of its extremely high cost and financial burden. We would like to raise our voices together with the patients and their families to have SMOFlipid and other ω3 fat emulsions included in the NHI drug price list as soon as possible.